Monsum API

The interface for your projects and apps!



The Monsum API was created as an XML/JSON Web Service. All of its resources are operated by a central URL. All API requests are sent as POST requests with either an XML- or JSON-formatted Body to the Service-URL. These documents describe the communication in XML Format.

General Service-URL:

Every request is encrypted with SSL when it is transmitted.


Login to own acccount

The Standard-Authentication occurs through the existing Monsum User (E-Mail Address) und the API-Key of the respective Monsum Account. In this way, users have simple access to their own account.

API-Accesses are stateless; that means no sessions are saved. The email address and API-Key must be submitted for every request.

The authentication is conducted using HTTP Basic Authentication:

curl -v -X POST \
–u {E-Mail-Adresse}:{API-Key} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
-d '{xml body}' \

Login as a user

For providers of Add-ons or Mobile Apps, it is possible to conduct authentication using the email address and password of a current user. These external tools accept separate “Add-On Access Information” (their own E-Mail Address and API-Key). However, in order to authenticate the service, the users’ access information must be submitted separately.

API-Accesses are stateless; that means no sessions are saved. The access information for the Add-On, as well as the access information of the user, must be submitted for every request.

The Authentication is conducted using HTTP Basic Authentication, as well as additional HTTP Header-Data:

curl -v -X POST \
-u {E-Mail-Adresse}:{API-Key} \
-H 'X-Username: {E-Mail Adresse des Benutzers}'\
-H 'X-Password: {Passwort des Benutzers}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
-d '{xml body}' \

Request structure

The header always inconcludes:

  • HTTP-Verb
  • Authentication
  • Content-Type


curl -v -X POST \
-u {E-Mail-Adresse}:{API-Key} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
-d '{xml body}' \

The body of a request / a response always follows the same pattern. The following compo-nents constitute the frameworks:

  • FBAPI: Main node, constitutes all XML-data (not necessary in JSON Format!)
  • SERVICE: The username that should be addressed on the Server
  • LIMIT: Parameter concerning the limit on the number of elements in the query of a list (Standard 10)
  • OFFSET: Parameter concerning the specification of the first element in the query of a list
  • FILTER: Parameter concerning the addressing/filtering of the respective resources
  • DATA: Data, that should be submitted for the designated action
  • REQUEST: returned, repeated input data
  • RESPONSE: returned resource data
  • ERRORS: returned errors

Example of a successful retrieval of data for a client:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Example of a wrong declaration to create a new customer:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <ERROR> ... </ERROR>

Further comments:

  • SERVICE: The username(e.g. customer, user, invoice, product)is written in lowercase letters, followed by a period and the method name (get, create, update, delete).
  • For the response, all information in the request (LIMIT,OFFSET,FILTER, DATA) will continue to be carried and expanded using the returns (RESPONSE, ERRORS)
  • When filtering for more than one id in a _.get call the stucture of the according array looks as the following: JSON - "INVOICE_ID":["id1", "id2"] // XML - id1id2


The default number of elements retrieved with a .get action is 10. You can adjust the "LIMIT" value to suit your needs.

However, the maximum number of elements for the retrieval is 100.
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